October 18, 2024

God is not a man that He lies! If the Bible says that He is near to the broken-hearted and the crushed (Psalm 34:18) then that’s the truth!

Yeah, we may not feel near to Him, but our prayers reach out to Him nonetheless. Christians seem to go through the dry seasons as much as the stormy seasons. We actually do cry out “Abba, Father!” even when we are not aware. He hears us! Mark 7:31-3, He sees us! John 9, He commands us to walk! (Luke 7:22). God is for us! (Psalm 46:11)

Remember that God never left us when we were strangers! (Jeremiah 51:5). He was still with Jonah in the belly of the whale! God was, and is very patient with us, though He is still tugging you at your very heart! Return to Him! Let nothing stand in your way…

Keep pushing on that massive boulder, keep climbing that mountain, raise your hands in worship so that the ocean before you makes a way!

Whatever you are going through right now, whatever you feel, remember that God has loved you with an everlasting love! His love, as well as His mercy knows no limits!

Remember this: even if you feel far away from Him: there is NOTHING that is so impossible that God CANNOT and WILL NOT do it!

God is YOUR Jehovah Jireh!

So do what has to be done! Get on your knees, get on your face even, or jump with everything you have. Shout if you need to! Get that Holy Spirit going like it yearns too! Whatever you do for the glory of God do it to the best that you can!

I don’t care if you get suckered punch by the Holy Spirit and start preaching to the walls around you! Those walls WILL come down! So in the middle of the night, when the Spirit hits you in your sleep! BAM!!! Start preaching up a storm! God hears you! God isn’t asleep!

GOD BREATHES LIFE INTO OLD DEAD BONES!!! God is the ultimate Revivalist! Though you were on the rooftop and you fell asleep and came crashing down, God is there to wake you up!

So, are you ready?

Are you set?

The REV that engine!

Drop the clutch to the floor!

Then GO! GO! GO!

God bless you! God loves you and so do I!!!!

I Love You Dogs GIF by Chippy the Dog, GIF may contain love, dog, dogs, i love you, chippythedog, chippy and i really love you





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