February 12, 2025

So this is LA?
I don’t know if this is actually going on.. at least the severity of it. But this doesn’t look like anything I have ever witnessed.
There seems to be two extremes here on both sides of the nation.. On the left you have fires, and on the right you have ice storms?
All I know is that the rest of the nation is lukewarm.. Or is it?
911 was a tragedy. It was felt worldwide… but the destruction of the two towers almost seems like nothing compared to the fires in LA.
There’s already talk in the local news at how the fires can impact our local economy here in Las Vegas, as well as the population.
We shall see how the next couple of months unfold.
I hate politics.. but I have to say that this coming on the eve before Donald Trump’s second inauguration does not fare well in my soul. Trouble does seem to surround the man. It’s actually a replay if you think about it… No recent former President has ever left office without leaving behind a mess.
All I know is that where God is.. there are miracles that can happen.
I don’t want to sound evil, but everybody in the world has already heard that all this was/is going to happen. We have fires, earthquakes, unrest… etc
The fact that Hollywood is burning is a sign that judgement has come down on it. It’s almost like a scene taken from the early pages of the Bible where fire rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah.
I”ve always been a firn believer in the history of the Bible repeating itself. If you actually read through the entire Bible, you will be hard-pressed NOT to see it.
Nation battling against nation.. Brother against brother, and the enemies of my enemies is my own household. Matthew 10:36
Keep in mind.. this is the 15th of January.. the new year is barely warmed up..
The Good News is that all these signs can only mean perhaps the final countdown of the approach of the King!
I am so ready!

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